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MLM vs. Pyramid Schemes: Knowing the Difference

Difference of pyramid vs mlm

There are many instances in the world of business where legitimate ventures are confused with scams. This is especially true when it comes to Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes. The uncanny similarity they share is to blame. Both MLM and Pyramid Schemes earn based on profit from sales and incentives from recruitment.

However, as J.K. Rowling has aptly said, “it isn’t how you are alike. It’s how you are not,” that matters. 

This blog delves into the crucial differences between an MLM and a Pyramid Scheme that empower an MLM business in its legitimacy and also empower consumers in their ability to make informed decisions.

Understanding MLM (Multi-Level Marketing)

To begin with, MLM or Multi-Level Marketing is legal, whereas a Pyramid Scheme is not, at least in most parts of the world. MLM can be defined as:

Product quality:

MLM relies on product sales for the majority of its profit. Therefore, MLM companies typically offer high-quality products with significant market value. These products often fit into the MLM model by being innovative and requiring heightened product knowledge and customer awareness for successful sales. They can range from nutritional supplements to cosmetics. 


What sets an MLM venture apart from a pyramid scheme is its very intention. An MLM business focuses on earning revenue from product sales, making sales of the product crucial for its sustenance, unlike a Ponzi scheme.

As an MLM business venture, it is extremely important to monitor what percentage of revenue comes from sales and what percentage comes from recruitment.

Integrated MLM software is among the best MLM marketing software available, offering in-depth analysis of sales, revenue, profit, and other accounting aspects for each node or member of the venture.

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MLM programs necessitate comprehensive product knowledge training, along with expertise in sales techniques. Given that most products sold through the MLM model are innovative and quality-driven, educating consumers about the product and its benefits becomes crucial to capture market attention and mass appeal. This mandates that distributors are well-versed in the product’s benefits..

Also, since sales are critical to the business, sales techniques are equally important. Distributors must be equipped with sales techniques and skills before they approach potential clients and customers.


MLM compensation plans vary, but they typically involve commissions on personal sales and a percentage of commission on sales made by the downline of a distributor.

Some highly successful MLM business ventures include Avon, Mary Kay, Amway, and Herbalife, all of which offer products of groundbreaking innovation and quality. MLM presents a viable option for individuals with strong sales and marketing skills.

However, the risk associated with MLM is the effort and investment a distributor puts in for success, which is dependent on a variety of factors and not guaranteed.

Recognizing Pyramid Schemes

Pyramid schemes are illegal, manipulative scams which makes profit by using deception on participants. Features of a Pyramid Scheme are:

  1. Exaggerated claims: Pyramid schemes often make extremely high promises regarding returns with apparently minimal effort required. 
  2. Recruitment: Profits in pyramid schemes primarily come from recruiting individuals for the downline. Each recruitment earns the top levels a percentage of commission.
  3. Quality: Product quality in pyramid schemes is often questionable, with prices being extremely high and unjustifiable.
  4. Inventory Loading: New members are often required to purchase large amounts of the product to meet sales quotas.However, since these purchases occur within the organization, they cannot be considered equivalent to end-customer sales like in an MLM venture.

    Integrated MLM Software monitors inventory loading and various other sales activities to ensure compliance with legal standards.

Key Differences Between MLM and Pyramid Schemes

To sum up, these are the most important differences between Pyramid Schemes and Multi-Level-Marketing Businesses.




Pyramid Scheme



Product Sales




Tangible, with market value

Low-quality or overpriced



Commissions from personal & downline sales

Primarily from recruitment



Often provided

Minimal or non-existent



Legal business model

Illegal in many countries

Red Flags to Watch Out For

Watch out for any business opportunity or salesperson that approaches you with the below intentions:

Guaranteed income:

  • Any MLM endeavor does not begin with a guaranteed success formula. It might require constant efforts in building trust and establishing a strong market presence before the business yields a good profit. Any offer that promises earnings from the start must be questioned before considering the option to commit.

Inventory purchase:

  • If the business opportunity requires you to invest large amounts in the product or service offered by the company, know that it is a red flag to be avoided at any cost. Legitimate MLM ventures do not require significant upfront investment in inventory.

 Reviews and testimonials:

  • Check online forums and communities for legitimate reviews and testimonials about the product. Go through as many legitimate reviews as possible to gain a fair understanding of the pros and cons of the business before committing. Watch out for businesses that align with the features of a Pyramid Scheme.

Vague compensation plans:

  • The compensation plan of a legitimate MLM business will always be straightforward and laid out. There will be no loopholes or compromises. Vague compensation plans and promises of huge profits are hallmarks of a pyramid scheme.

How to Research an MLM Opportunity?

An MLM company will have a history of a solid track record and a just legal past. Their compensation plans and methods of earning commission will be clearly laid out, with an emphasis on sales rather than recruitment. You can get in touch with distributors working for the company to understand it better.

Learn from them about the efforts required, the average time taken for actual sales to begin in their journey with the company, regarding work ethics, training, support, and all miscellaneous information you feel is important. Hearing from different distributors will provide you with an overall insight into the company and a realistic picture of what to expect.

Alternatives to Consider

If you feel the need for entrepreneurial experience but have reservations about joining an MLM, you can always consider the following alternatives:

  • Freelancing: This involves offering your skills and services on a freelance basis rather than sticking to a single business model.
  • Become an entrepreneur: Bring to life the idea that has always fascinated you and embark on your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Online Business: Explore options such as affiliate marketing, e-commerce, or other online business opportunities.
  • Investing: Rational and calculated long-term investing is a surefire method for financial success.

Though these options exist, the ability to obtain entrepreneurial exposure without the need for an exorbitant capital investment is a feature of MLM businesses. They also offer training, support, and constant mentoring, which are absent in most other alternatives.

Though MLM businesses have their own risks, a legitimate network marketing venture is not only a space to grow your wealth but also a ground to develop yourself in a way that no other training helps you to excel.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if something is an MLM scheme?

An MLM company will have a history of a solid track record and a just legal past. Their compensation plans and methods of earning commission will be clearly laid out, with an emphasis on sales rather than recruitment

Pyramid schemes are deceptive business models that exploit the distributors and new-recruits by focusing on commission from recruitment over profit from product sales.

Goal of a Network Marketing venture is always to sell the product whereas a pyramid scheme is to earn commissions from recruiting people and building a downline. Downline members are also forced to purchase the products in huge amounts.


Like any other aspect of life, the business industry is also rife with scams and deception.

With huge investments of effort and time being dedicated to employment opportunities, it is important that you choose the right opportunity among the plethora that avail themselves to you.

Choose an opportunity that aligns with your goals, growth objectives, and risk tolerance without compromising your realistic financial hopes.

Meet Mr. Roshin, your go-to MLM content expert. With years of experience, he's a master in network marketing, crafting compelling content that delves into diverse MLM topics. Passionate about assisting marketers, he simplifies tactics for success while specializing in productivity and time management research. Join the journey to MLM mastery!

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