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MLM Products Explained: Pricing, Definitions, and How to Select the Right One

MLM products displayed with pricing tips and sales strategies

In traditional business forms, products are sold to customers through wholesalers and retailers which involve middlemen. 

In contrast, direct selling also known as network marketing or Multi-Level-Marketing(MLM), the company recruits a network of agents or distributors who directly sell the MLM products to the customers. 

This allows the brands to directly reach the consumer without the help of any middlemen and thereby establish a direct connection with their customers.

MLM also differs in its earning pattern. Distributors not only earn directly from the sales of network marketing products but also from the sales and recruitment done by their downline. 

The term “downline” refers to the distributors who are directly or indirectly recruited by an agent.

Overview of MLM Products

MLM Products can be unusually technically competent as compared to the other products in the market. The ability to directly communicate with the customers helps these products to be marketed by educating the customers of their benefits. 

For example, a customer purchases a dietary supplement from a retail store by agreeing to the claims as advertised in its cover. However, in direct selling, customers will be educated about the scientific backing of these claims. They will be offered free samples to try and experience the benefits before they commit to the product.

This sense of expertise and commitment, coming from a network of distributors who are already familiar to the customers make these products appealing even when they are a bit pricey!

MLM and its focus on products.

Unlike the pyramid schemes, to which MLM initiatives are unfortunately compared with, MLM products have a strong emphasis on the product quality and value offered. They are genuine, unique, high-quality and often exclusive to the company. 

This makes these products distinct and appealing, setting them apart from the standard market products. This differentiation is what usually helps in building loyal customers and laying foundations for a sustainable MLM business growth.

Importance of understanding MLM products

For Buyers:

  • Purchases should always be informed decisions. Hence, to understand the value proposition of premium and special products, it is important to better understand them. This helps make informed decisions.
  • To ensure the products that they purchase are assured for product quality and sustainability, and to evaluate the value for money.
  • Direct feedback can be provided to sellers for improvement of the product. This enhances the value of the product while enhancing the overall experience with the brand.

For Sellers:

  • Understanding the features and benefits of the product helps the sellers to craft sales strategies for their target audience. This improves conversion rates which helps sellers match the products according to customer needs.
  • In case of objections or queries from customers, without complete understanding of the product, it becomes impossible to address the objections or reach a quick resolution of these queries.

What Are MLM Products?

MLM products are items sold directly to customers by independent agents of a company. Unlike traditional retail businesses, which involve middlemen, MLM products are marketed and sold directly to consumers through a network of independent distributors.

Definition and characteristics of products 

MLM products are usually those which require customer education. Top MLM products in the market today are health and wellness products, beauty and personal care items, home care, nutrition and fitness items, fashion and accessories along with digital products such as apps, software subscriptions and even educational tools!

How Companies Determine Product BV and PV

Business Volume (BV) and Product Volume (PV) are key metrics in MLM that contribute to distributor compensation.

Explanation of Business Volume (BV) and Product Volume (PV) in MLM

  • Business Volume (BV) refers to the total sales volume of products or services sold by a distributor and their downline. It is used to calculate group bonuses or team-based commissions for the distributors.
  • Product Volume (PV) is the point value assigned to each product, reflecting its significance in the MLM structure. PV is determined based on the product’s price and its importance within the compensation plan. It is used for commission calculations and rank advancement.
  • Both of these metrics are used to calculate commissions for the distributors.

BV Example: If your team (downline) sells 10 products, each with a price of $100 and a BV value of 20, the Business Volume (BV) for your team will be:

10 products x 20 BV per product = 200 BV.

PV Example: If you personally sell 4 products, each with a price of $50 and a PV value of 10, your Personal Volume (PV) will be:

4 products x 10 PV per product = 40 PV.

Selling MLM Products Online

How to Sell Your MLM Products Online?

Selling MLM products online is something that requires planning. It begins with choosing the right platform and the type of content that you want to put out. Social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Facebook can be great business platforms along with personal websites or specialized e-commerce MLM software.

Building a strong online presence, engaging with the audience and leveraging the features of MLM software can multiply your potential leads and exponentially grow your engagement.

Steps and strategies for selling MLM products through various online platforms.

Right platform and effective marketing strategies help online products to achieve sales growth and higher visibility. 

  • User-friendly e-commerce platforms support MLM business models and candle multi- networking features from affiliate marketing to monthly payouts.
  • Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok can be used to reach wider audiences and create engaging content from product demos and to testimonials.
  • Personal websites and landing pages are one among the features supported by Integrated MLM software, allowing distributors to have their own online presence and offer seamless purchase options. 
  • Leverage SEO and paid ads to increase visibility and target specific audience to further your reach and for greater sales actualization.

How to Promote MLM Products Online?

1. Social Media Advertising: 

  • Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest boards are great ways to find the right audience for your product and have a greater audience.

2. Content Marketing:

  • High quality blog posts, infographics and videos maintain a greater engagement along with providing value for your audience. Share success stories and customer testimonials to build credibility.

3. Email Marketing Campaigns:

  • Segmented email campaigns offer special deals, product launches and helpful tips related to products to target new leads, potential customers, repeat buyers and recruits.

4. eCommerce MLM Software:

  • Upselling and Cross-Selling will increase average order value. Our e-commerce MLM software offers built-in tools to automate product promotions, manage customer data and track sales.

Choosing and Defining MLM Products

How to Choose a Product for Your MLM Business?

Zeroing down on an MLM product requires good understanding of the market demand, product quality required, and personal interest and expertise in the area. A niche demand can be explored and understood to brainstorm various unique selling points (USPs) and strategize the marketing techniques to reach the target audience.

How to Define a Product in MLM?

Defining a product is one of the most basic activities to be thoroughly conducted for understanding what you want to work with. Try to state the benefits, target audience and USP to position the product effectively in the market and provide it an edge over the market competition and potential customers.

Evaluating MLM Products

Are MLM Products Good?

The MLM products are usually known for their quality and effectiveness. They are criticized for being overpriced however there are various exceptions in the market which have proven to be successful over the years. Household items, health supplements, or beauty products are products that typically succeed in this area.

What Is the Best MLM Product to Sell?

Best MLM products are those that are mostly of high demand, proven in quality, are priced reasonably and hold a good brand appeal. Home care products, fashion and accessories, beauty and personal care along with health and wellness are the most successful niches among the best MLM Products.

Which Is a Good Product for MLM?

Some of the successful MLM Products in the industry are essential oils, skincare items and dietary supplements which are of consistent quality, good results and competitive pricing.

Pricing and Cost Considerations

Why Are MLM Products So Expensive?

MLM products are expensive due to exclusive product and higher quality ingredients, multiple levels of distributors, and value added for personal services. They ensure profitability and quality of these direct selling products.

Is Product Price Important for MLM Success?

Product pricing is important to ensure the success of an MLM venture. The high-quality ingredients, research and development that goes into development of exclusive products needs to be supported by reasonable pricing. Hence balancing quality, value and price is the key for network marketing products.

Selling and Retailing Strategies

How to Sell MLM Products Effectively?

Direct selling requires building relationships, understanding customer requirements and offering personalized product recommendations. By highlighting the testimonials and real-life benefits along with the value offered by the product, network marketing products can be marketed effectively. 

How to Retail MLM Products?

Retail MLM products require distributors to collaborate with retail stores, leverage online marketplaces and genuine business connections. Subscription models and preference based personalized purchase options can further broaden the customer base.

How to Supply Products to MLM Companies?

MLM ventures have strict guidelines to maintain the reputation of their brand. Hence by meeting industry standards such as FDA approval, offering competitive pricing, discounts and flexible pricing models, direct selling products can be made more attractive to the market.

MLM Products in Different Markets

Can MLM Be Used to Sell Products in India?

The Indian MLM market is one of the strongest direct selling markets in the world. With a thriving community of MLM ventures and distributors, a buzzing market and a strong regulatory system protecting against Ponzi scams, genuine direct selling products and network marketing ventures have a nourishing environment for growth.

Are MLM Products Bad?

Mushrooming of shady Ponzi schemes have bought a bad reputation for not only themselves but also legitimate MLM products. Another common criticism faced by network marketing products are their high prices and aggressive sales tactics. Transparent and ethical sales practices are the key to overcoming all these grey areas.

MLM Product Categories

Why MLM Companies Sell Health Products?

Healthcare and dietary components are often an overlooked factor in achieving a healthy life. Hence, MLM companies bring their innovation, strong research and visible results in their MLM products offered and give themselves an edge over their competitors. 

Which MLM Business Plan Is Used by Forever Living Products?

Forever Living uses a multi-level compensation plan. They have one of the top MLM Products in the health and wellness niche. Their structure rewards both direct sales and recruitment of new team members. They emphasize benefits of personal use, retailing and team building.  

Case Studies and Examples

Which MLM Company Products Are Successful?

Amway, Herbalife and Avon are successful MLM companies that have showcased broad, strong and effective marketing strategies and network marketing products. Their assured quality, genuine testimonials and visible results along with targeted and effective branding techniques are a few reasons for their success.

Which MLM Is Better: Insurance or Product-Based?

Both network marketing products and insurance-based services have their own market, benefits and lucrative business opportunities. The skillset and client-relationship management for both these paths are unique and requires focused training and application.


Network marketing products demand high quality standards, long-term customer relationships, trust and reliability. MLM products like health, wellness, beauty and home care thrive due to their ability to connect with consumers through personalized marketing and informed selling.

By smartly selecting your niche, sticking to ethical sales practices and leveraging the benefits of modern online marketing, MLM distributors can boost sales and ensure a sustainable growth in a highly competitive market.


What are the key factors to consider when choosing MLM products for your business?

The four basic factors that should be considered before choosing network marketing products are market demand, product quality, personal interest and the potential of the niche.

The best MLM products are often priced higher because of the exclusivity of the product and the ingredients, the distributor compensation and personalized services offered by the brand.

E-commerce MLM software, social media platforms and personal websites or blogs are popular for selling MLM products online. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok are ideal to create engagement.

The value and effectiveness of products, ethical selling with transparent marketing techniques and customer education are cornerstones for correcting the faulty perceptions about high quality direct selling products.

Meet Mr. Roshin, your go-to MLM content expert. With years of experience, he's a master in network marketing, crafting compelling content that delves into diverse MLM topics. Passionate about assisting marketers, he simplifies tactics for success while specializing in productivity and time management research. Join the journey to MLM mastery!

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