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Comparing Binary vs Matrix Compensation Plans

binary vs matrix compensation plan comparison

If you are debating between which compensation plan to choose for your MLM venture; if you are confused between the options of Binary and Matrix model, we hear you.

Multi-Level Marketing companies have various compensation structures of compensation for their distributors. Binary and Matrix MLM compensation plans have been the most rewarding and popular among them. There are various similarities and differences between both these plans and this blog aims to take a deeper dive into them.

If you are planning to decide on a compensation plan for the first time or want to switch to a better option that suits your unique business needs, here is everything you need to know about Binary and Matrix MLM compensation plans.

A Binary MLM compensation plan is known for its simplicity, straight-forward nature and ability to facilitate a fast-paced expansion and growth. Many successful companies such as Natura & Co, Synergy Worldwide etc., are said to use the binary compensation plan.


Binary MLM Plan is based on a double node or two-legged structure. Each distributor or associate is required to recruit two others as their left and right leg. The new recruits would also recruit two new members. The network and downline grows following this binary pattern. This allows rapid expansion of the network and creation of many new levels.

Example of binary weak leg based calculation

Key Points:

The most important thing to keep in mind in a Binary compensation plan is to balance both the legs. Let’s say you have a very active right leg where the downline is actively recruiting new members and hacking the sales game. Your left leg is mostly unproductive and at times dormant.

This would create an imbalance and affect the commissions because the distributor would gain their commissions based on the weaker leg. To maintain a stable growth, the distributor is hence required to balance both legs. 


The simplicity of a binary MLM compensation plan has several advantages and makes it easy to understand. It is appealing to both the distributor and the MLM company as the surplus recruits are placed in the downline in a binary pattern which promotes growth.

By placing a new recruit with their twin pair and an immediate upline member, they are provided with an immediate team, boosting motivation, sense of community and chances of success. Balancing legs would also encourage teamwork and collaboration.


Balancing both legs in their growth, sales performance and downline evenness is better said than done. Distributors may find the balancing act difficult, affecting their earning potential as the weaker leg may not be sufficient to sustain their effort, income and motivation. 

When the growth progresses, there can be a situation where the distributors may find it difficult to recruit the new members due to market saturation. At times, the emphasis on recruitment would affect sales becoming detrimental to the long-term sustainability of the company.

Exploring the Matrix MLM Compensation Plan

One of the most distinctive compensation plans in the MLM structure is the Matrix MLM compensation plan. It has a gridlike structure with a fixed width and depth. The members of the structure build their downline based on this grid. Various MLM giants such as Nu Skin and Monavie are said to employ the matrix structure.


A Matrix compensation plan of 3×3 has a direct recruit of 3 members, and each of those three members can recruit 3 more, which continues for a total of 3 levels.

Level one members can recruit three members. Level two members can recruit three members and level three members can also recruit 3 members each, resulting in a total of 39 nodes. Once these 39 positions are filled, surplus recruits are now appointed in a new matrix. Hence several units of matrices are generated.

Example of Matrix MLM structure

Key Points:

The distributors can know the exact size of their matrix and plan their sales strategies accordingly. Rather than assuming the potential growth of the downline, distributors can exert a stronger control and guide the growth of each unit. This clarity over their dedicated matrix is more appealing than an ambiguous growth offered by the other plans. 


The predictability offered by Matrix MLM plan allows potential earnings and clarity to the new distributors. Unlike other MLM compensation plans, Matrix MLM plan provides stability to the earning potential as it is predictable and offers a more steady and balanced income stream for distributors


When it comes to growth of a distributor, once a matrix is filled the distributor must start a new matrix or depend on the existing matrix to fuel their growth. This spillover effect hinders overall growth and limits the long-term success of the network.  Companies must address the challenges of saturation and dependency by constant training and support to maintain their networks.

Comparing Binary vs. Matrix MLM Compensation Plans

In a battle between binary and matrix MLM compensation plans, both have their benefits and challenges.

Structure and Placement

  • Binary MLM compensation plan holds a two-legged structure. A member is placed under either leg as determined by an automated system or the sponsor. The downline can grow indefinitely downwards without any limit on the number of levels in the downline. The weaker leg or the leg with fewer recruits would decide the earning potential of the distributors.
  • Matrix MLM has a gridlike structure which may be 3×3, 4×7 or 5×5. In a 3×3 matrix, each member has 3 recruits and for 3 levels. The members are placed from left to right. The number of recruits per level and number of recruits in a matrix are predefined and limited. When distributors fill their allocated positions in a matrix, the surplus recruits are allocated a new matrix and the downline is built in a similar fashion, called a spillover.

Commission Distribution and Earnings Potential

  • The Binary plan allows unlimited and continuous growth. The matching volume between two legs decides the commissions and hence the weaker leg, the earning potential. There are cycle bonuses and matching bonuses to provide additional earnings based on the overall performance.
  • The Matrix plan offers earnings based on how the matrix levels are filled.  Earnings may be limited as the matrix reaches its full capacity, pushing members to set up a new matrix.

Team Building Strategies

  • The Binary plan involves continuous and strategic recruitment to grow both the legs. To balance both the legs, match the volume and cycle bonuses, careful planning and strategies are required.
  • Consistent team meetings, clear goals, leadership development, promotion and spillover benefits must be well defined in a Matrix plan to build motivation, growth and support in a team.


  • In the Binary plan, a less systematic spillover takes place as decided by the sponsor. Since the both legs are balanced for enhanced earning potential, individual recruitment plays a significant role in earnings as compared to the spillover.
  • The Matrix plan has impressive spillover benefits as the extra recruits placed on downline positions can help the dormant members in their upline to earn.

Growth Potential

  • Binary plan offers unlimited and continuous growth in the same structure leading to higher long term earnings, if the balance between both legs are maintained.
  • Matrix plan makes the growth slower once a matrix unit is fully placed. The new matrix allows growth but it has to start from scratch.

Advantages and Challenges of Binary and Matrix Plans


  1. Binary MLM Compensation plan is easy to understand and can be managed with ease. A collaborative environment is fostered helping and encouraging them to succeed. The model allows higher growth and fast-paced growth of downline.
  2. Binary MLM plan offers high growth and promising earnings but requires strategic recruitment and constant efforts. On-going support, training and data-based planning is required to keep the balance sacrosanct. Since the commissions and incentives coming from the downline are just divided between two members, rather than multiple members in level of the Matrix, a Binary compensation can prove to be more profitable.
  3. Matrix MLM plan’s key benefit is its predictability. Distributors can prepare their team and plan their sales strategies based on the preconceived size of the team. They do not have to worry about stronger and weaker legs, enabling them to earn more stable income as the positions in the matrix are filled.
  4. The generation of various units of matrices may affect the sense of community and teamwork. The spillover and saturation should be addressed by recruiting members who are affiliated to fresher markets. Additionally, constant support and motivation is also required to maintain the collaboration between different matrices and a consistent growth.


  1. Binary MLM Compensation Plan is uneven and challenging in order to sustain a balanced growth. The distributors have to be keen on the temperament of the recruits and prevent any kind of partiality of disruption in the sense of community to maintain a balanced and sustainable growth.
  2. There can be incidents of continuous recruitment to sustain growth leading to market saturation and dormancy over a period of time. This would affect the earning potential of the distributors and make the progress complex and unviable.
  3. Matrix MLM Compensation plan trades growth potential for predictability. Though the matrix model ensures a stable income it limits the long-term potential. The surplus recruits are placed in the new matrix. But this can make some distributors complacent as they depend on spillover recruits to boost their growth rather than actively recruiting new members.

Determining the Suitability of Binary and Matrix Plans

The Binary MLM Plan is often opted by distributors and network marketers who have significant experience. Because of the unlimited growth that is possible with the Binary MLM Plan, it has potential for greater earning. The high recruiters and strategic planners are interested in the plan as there are higher chances of earning through balancing legs and the bonuses.

There is high flexibility in placing the recruiters tactically to maximize and optimize the earnings. Hence with an efficient strategy, there is potential for sustainable and prolonged growth. In short, experienced teams excel under Binary plan using opportunities and flexibility enabled by it through carefully managing the risks.

The distributors or network marketers who are newcomers, would prefer a Matrix MLM plan due to its simplicity and ease of managing. The well-defined structure makes it easy to understand, follow and also build an empowered and motivated team in the early stages.

The predefined structure enables distributors to have a clear understanding of the progress making the goals easily achievable in a focussed manner. A simple unit of the matrix brings a team environment, easy collaboration, communication and a streamlined teamwork towards the set target. Hence, beginners benefit from the simplicity, strong support and limited risk offered by the Matrix plan.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Binary and Matrix Plans

Business Goals

  1. If your MLM venture is looking for rapid growth, enhanced earning abilities and associated risks that can be managed by a seasoned team of distributors, Binary Plan would be best aligned for your preferences.
  2. If your MLM venture is in its early stages and you would require safety, predictability and lesser risks, then a Matrix MLM plan would best suit to keep your team motivated, supported and growing.

Team Size

  1. Small  teams which require constant training and support through spillover would benefit from choosing a Matrix plan.
  2. Large teams which need to accommodate constant growth and expansion through strategic planning for a greater revenue would opt for a Binary plan with a focus on balancing the legs.

Product Quality and Market Appeal

  1. Products that belong to the affluent category such as luxury goods and high end electronics, which offer ample commissions per sale are more suitable for Binary plans. They are usually one-time purchase goods which do not require renewal or repurchase. They can vary from tour packages to leisure products appealing to a large audience.
  2. Products that require a subscription plan, frequent replenishment and renewal are best in the hands of a Matrix plan such as consumables and skincare products. These products require educational programs or seminars to educate both the customers and the distributors regarding its value and for consistent engagement. They can offer exclusive discounts, membership benefits for enhanced customer retention and satisfaction.

Long Term Growth

  1. Both Binary and Matrix plans can achieve long term growth and sustainability. Binary plan offers rapid growth due to its simplicity and strategic planning whereas Matrix plan focuses on a deeper team building, stable and long term success over a period of time.


Both binary and matrix MLM plans are exceptionally popular and beneficial in their own unique ways. Depending on the needs of a company, these plans can be employed to best fit the growth prospects of the company. Successful planning, strategic recruitment, data-based decision making and usage of advanced analytics is required to achieve success in both Binary and Matrix MLM compensation plans.

This can only be achieved using a fit MLM software and streamlining the workflow of your MLM venture. Integrated MLM software is one of the best MLM software available in the market catering equally efficient and exceptional services to unique network marketing business requirements and compensation plans. Book your free demo today to experience the ease of doing MLM yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between Binary and Matrix MLM plans, briefly?

Binary MLM compensation plan function based on a two-legged recruitment program where each distributor recruits two downline members. This model focuses on rapid and balanced growth of the MLM venture.

A Matrix MLM compensation plan has a fixed width and depth which limits the recruitment ability within a unit of matrix but provides a focussed predictable growth in each unit based on a stable earning potential.

Binary compensation plan undeniably offers a faster growth potential than the Matrix compensation plan. This is because a distributor only recruits two members in their immediate downline which repeats, increasing the number of levels and hence, the growth of the organizational structure. Matrix MLM compensation plan grows by units of matrices of fixed width and depth offering stability and clarity over rapid growth.

Binary MLM plan offers earnings based on sales volume of the weaker leg. This is to incentivize balanced growth between both legs. Matrix MLM plan offers incentives based on the positions filled within the matrix grid, each contributing to potential commissions.

Binary MLM plan comes with a difficult target of balancing both the legs which can depend on various factors starting from the ability of each distributor to the amount of market saturation. Hence though the structure grows rapidly, keeping the growth sustainable is a larger and challenging aspect of this. 

The Matrix MLM plan manages spillovers effectively by donating surplus recruits to a new matrix unit. However, this limits the growth potential of a matrix unit and increases alienation between different units.

Meet Mr. Roshin, your go-to MLM content expert. With years of experience, he's a master in network marketing, crafting compelling content that delves into diverse MLM topics. Passionate about assisting marketers, he simplifies tactics for success while specializing in productivity and time management research. Join the journey to MLM mastery!

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